COVID-19 in Samoa: The Latest 2023 Updates


  1. Travel restrictions
    In response to the global outbreak of COVId19, Samoa has put in place travel restrictions including a mandatory two-week quarantine period for all international arrivals. This includes the requirement to obtain a COVID-19 clearance certificate at least 72 hours before departure, as well as health documents from countries with travel restrictions in place. All travelers must also complete a registration form, present evidence of health insurance coverage, and pay an additional fee to the international airport upon entry.
  2. Border closures
    Samoa also closed its borders completely for an initial three weeks in March 2020. This included both air and sea border closures, with all arriving passengers requiring medical certification prior to being permitted to enter Samoa. The government is currently experiencing strong opposition from citizens who wish to return home but are unable to do so due to these closure measures.
  3. Mask usage mandate
    The Samoan Government has mandated that masks must be worn by everyone when out in public spaces and inside public buildings or on public transport, such as taxis and buses.. Businesses have also been directed by the government to implement physical distancing policies and other precautionary measures such as temperature screenings for staff, customers, and visitors into the premises or office spaces.
  4. Mass Vaccination Program
    Since November 2020, Samoa launched a mass vaccination program for its population with hopes of reaching herd immunity by mid-2021. This program consists of providing free Covid-19 vaccines throughout Samoa’s districts by Primary Health Care teams visiting local villages and towns during their outreach works across the country’s 14 districts. So far they have vaccinated over 50% of its population According to Worldmeter Statistics this makes Samoa one of only two Island Pacific nations so far that has vaccinated more than 50% of its total population against Covid 19.’
  5. Reopening plans
    In line with more restrictive social distancing measures being lifted, economic activities resume while maintaining targeted interventions where necessary when additional cases are reported. In accordance with this policy restaurants can serve customers starting May 20, 2021, at 33 percent capacity while indoor gatherings are limited to up to 25 people at any given time Following this recently enacted policy, the Ministry of Health declared June 5, 2021 ‘National Daycare Reopening Day’ permitting childcare services if certain regulations adhere proper physical distancing regulations are respected . . .’
  6. Changes in Domestic Flights
    Domestic flights continue however safety protocols such as wearing masks onboard remain compulsory throughout domestic flight routes. All traveling parties intending to travel via Air PacificSouthwestern Airlines; Talofa Airways/Lalomanu Air must register contact information PRIOR TO BOARDING which will be used exclusively for contact tracing if required ..These requirements have been sourced directly from each airline’s website.’
  7. Community Support Programs
    Alongside social distancing regulations many initiatives were implemented accross communities island wide offering support towards those affected directly by covid through programs like the Pandemic Hardship Supplement Recipients Program; Non Communicable Disease Cure Funds ; Tuberculosis Fund schemes etc Alongside such initiatives over 74 COVID 19 Testing centers across both Upolu & Savaii allow anyone who suspects they may carry covid related symptoms access testing services without cost upon receipt of medical prescription vouchers issued offically by designated medical practitioners; 16 Triage Centers exist across Apia alone which allocate helth care workers trained specialise handle case identifications & risk assessments priority formalities free medicine distribution referral pathways towards advanced medication within local hospital chains community based support structures & informative seminars accrooss multiple locations across Major Towns & rural areas Aide efforts containing spread & effects ensuing pandemic continues .’
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