Secure Website | Is Safe Website | Business Websites

Secure Website for a Startup Business

The most crucial task after creating a website for your online business is to secure your website. Just like we have threats of robbery in a physical store, there are some threats in the online market too. We call those people hackers who can attack your website and your data can be breached. They can then misuse it to harm you and your customers too. So, it is very important to learn how to secure your business website. You have to follow and apply maximum security checks on your website to keep it safe as it is also very important for maintaining your worth in the online market with the clients.

Most attacks are done on small business websites as they are not developed with heavy security measures. We can understand that a hacker needs fewer efforts to hack a small website than Amazon or Walmart. So, most probably you will fall prey to it. Let’s discuss some security measures that will help you keep your website safe from malicious attacks like phishing, spyware, etc.

Security Measures for your Business Website

You need to be very vigilant at every stage of your website development from the very first day to the day you have launched it.

  • Hire a Professional Web Developer

Your whole business is dependent upon the quality of a website. It is the first element of your business. So, never compromise on it. Hire a qualified web developer. Check the portfolio, and previous work and confirm his knowledge about website security measures and other factors. Website graphics play a vital role in attracting your customers. Also, make sure how dedicated he is towards professional work so that he can make the website in the given time. 

  • SSL Certificate for your Website

Secure Sockets Layer is the abbreviation of SSL. It is a file stored on a web server that protects your website from attacks. Another advantage of this certificate is that Google shows your website as a trusted one to the users. If you are not certified, Google will warn the users of such a website as it may contain malicious content. Another important thing about SSL is that Google only shows the websites in search results that are SSL certified. So, Is Safe Website not SSL certified, the search engine will ignore your website even if it has good rankings.

  • Selection of your Web Hosting

You must choose a web host that is perfect for your website. A perfect web host provides a fast response on your website to the customers who visit it. If a website is slow people will never open it again. Your website should be able to manage large traffic without lowering the speed. Another important factor that your web host must have is the security of your data. You must have to upload the images and videos on your website.

  • Add Anti-Malware and Anti-Virus Software for Protection

It is also another approach to protecting your business website. Installing anti-malware prevents malicious files to enter your website. You must choose an anti-malware software that provides PCI compliance, DDOs Protection, a Web application Firewall, and most important detecting and protecting your website from harmful files. In case anti-malware fails to provide you the protection, use anti-virus to remove it. You may also consult a professional developer to remove the files.

  • Accepting the comments and Feedback Manually

Although comments and feedback are good for a business website as it shows the satisfaction level of the customers. But, hackers share malicious links in the comments and when a customer will open that link, data will be breached. To avoid such mishaps, it is better to accept the comments and feedback manually. Another important step is to turn off the post comments after a few months. 

Legal Requirements for a Business Website

Online business also has complete check and balance by the authorities. So, before creating a website, you must be aware of all the legal conditions. Legally they are named website privacy laws.

Customer’s Data Safety

You are bound to keep the customer’s data transparent whenever they perform any transaction for online shopping. For creating a successful business platform, you must keep your customer satisfied. Keep everything clear with the viewer’s so that there would be no problem for the customers. Must share the privacy policy with the customers so that they can share the details if feel secure. Tell them what data you collect for the business transactions. There should be no hidden policy, everything should be transparent for the customers. 

Provide complete details of your website

A complete commercial website must possess the following pages:

  • Home Page
  • Contact Us
  • Product and Services
  • About Us
  • Privacy Policy

The home page is the very first page that the customers can view when they reach your website. Other pages like About Us include the complete description of your company what it is and your objective. Contact US page includes all the possible ways and contact details by which customers can reach you whether it is an email address, phone number, or any other account.

ADA Compliance

Your website design should have a user-friendly interface. A good website design possesses the best color contrast between the background images and the text to look eye-catchy. It must have easy language so that everyone could understand. Use the auto-play feature on audio and video files. Image and content quality should not be compromised even if it is zoomed in or out. You must use HTML tags and meta-tags properly.


Securing your business website is as crucial as the creation of the website. The data on your website is very important as it may contain the personal details of your clients. Keep your website in the right hands of a professional web developer who is aware of the security and legal terms of ecommerce. SSL certificate for the website has their importance and can never be ignored at any cost. Use anti-malware and anti-virus software for data protection. Manage the comments and feedback portion manually to avoid dangerous files shared on your website. You must go through the necessary legal policies to make your website perfect from all perspectives for the commercial business and it will lead to smooth working.

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