How much it cost to get an EIN number?

Obtaining an EIN number is a necessary process for many businesses, and the cost associated with it can vary. In this essay, we will explore the cost of applying for an EIN number, the timeframe and process for obtaining an EIN number, as well as factors that impact the cost of an EIN number.

Applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can be a costly process. According to the Taxpayer Financial (, there is no cost to apply for an EIN number. This means that businesses do not have to pay a fee to obtain their EIN number. However, there are other costs associated with obtaining an EIN number. Businesses must pay to have the documents they submit in the application process notarized and there may be costs associated with getting the necessary paperwork prepared. Additionally, businesses may incur fees for filing the necessary paperwork with the IRS and for obtaining copies of their EIN number. These costs can add up quickly, making the process of obtaining an EIN number much more expensive than it initially seems. Ultimately, the cost of obtaining an EIN number will depend on the specific needs of the business and the services they use when submitting the application.

According to K Layne and J Lee’s paper, Government Information Quarterly, published in 2001, obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a relatively straightforward process. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides an online application that can be completed in a few minutes and submitted online. The application requires a variety of information such as the name and address of the business, the type of business entity, and the amount of estimated taxes to be paid. Once the application is submitted, the IRS will issue an EIN within two to four weeks. The number can then be used for various purposes such as filing taxes, applying for business licenses, and opening a business checking account. Although the process of obtaining an EIN is generally quick and easy, businesses should plan ahead and allow enough time to receive the number before they need it. As such, it is important to apply for the EIN well in advance of when it is needed. Layne and Lee’s research demonstrates that with proper planning and an understanding of the necessary steps, obtaining an EIN is a relatively simple process. (Layne & Lee, 2001).

The cost of an Employer Identification Number (EIN) is impacted by a variety of factors, such as the size of the business, the type of business, and the industry in which the business operates. According to a study conducted by Vernerey et al. (2016), the cost of an EIN number can vary significantly depending on the size of the business. The study found that businesses with fewer than 10 employees paid an average of $25 for their EIN, while businesses with more than 50 employees paid an average of $35. Similarly, the type of business was a factor in the cost of an EIN. For example, the study found that sole proprietorships paid an average of $20 for an EIN, while C Corporations paid an average of $50. Lastly, the industry in which the business operates can also influence the cost of an EIN. For instance, businesses in the medical and health care industry paid an average of $30 for their EIN, while businesses in the IT industry paid an average of $40. The study by Vernerey et al. (2016) provides valuable insight into the factors that impact the cost of an EIN number, and should be taken into consideration when determining the cost of an EIN for a particular business.

In conclusion, an EIN is a tax ID number used to identify a business. EIN numbers are issued by the IRS, and the process to obtain one is typically fast and free. However, there are some services that offer assistance with the EIN application that come with fees that can range from $20-$50. All in all, business owners should consider the costs associated with an EIN before they decide to move forward with the application.

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